ABA Teaching Strategies

VIDEO MODELING (VM) AND VIDEO SELF-MODELING (VSM) Description: VM and VSM can teach long chains of behavior. Taped sequences of behaviors, such as bathing or toileting, are shown on the video. In VSM, the client observes him or herself performing a behavior successfully on video, and then imitates the targeted behavior Implementation: The Direct Interventionist […]

Key ABA Teaching formats

NATURAL ENVIRONMENT TRAINING (NET) Description: NET capitalizes on establishing operations to build spontaneity. NET will be used to teach skills and target goals in natural settings and the client’s current motivation will be used to teach skills. The use of highly preferred materials (e.g., toys or materials that the client highly desires) and a focus […]

ABA Consequence strategies- help manage behaviors

Description: Differential reinforcement will be used to increase desired behaviors and decrease undesired behaviors. It consists of two basic operations: reinforcing a target behavior (replacement/desired behavior) and stopping the delivery of reinforcement contingent on a challenging behavior.   The different types of differential reinforcement include: Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behaviors (DRA): A reinforcement procedure usually […]

ABA Antecedent Strategies- how to prevent challenging behaviors

Description: A schedule will specify the tasks for (part of) the day or activity and will be publically posted in the living area Implementation: The client will be reminded, possibly through rules, to verify the activities on the schedule, thereby learning how to follow necessary steps during daily or activity routines. A token economy may […]