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ABA Antecedent Strategies- how to prevent challenging behaviors

Description: A schedule will specify the tasks for (part of) the day or activity and will be publically posted in the living area

Implementation: The client will be reminded, possibly through rules, to verify the activities on the schedule, thereby learning how to follow necessary steps during daily or activity routines. A token economy may be used conjointly with the schedule


Description: Behavioral contracting will be utilized to facilitate structured reinforcement, contingent upon various behaviors, over a long period of time. A contract must clearly pinpoint the behavior, must be positive, and must use generalized reinforcers. Sometimes visual schedules or behavior rehearsal may be used. A behavioral contract may allow the client to take an active role in selecting the reinforcers and criteria necessary to receive them.

Implementation: The client will create the behavioral contract, perhaps with the support of the parent/guardian. It is important that the parent/guardian and/or Direct Interventionist reinforce the client’s follow-through with the behavioral contract, especially if the client has selected to receive a reward contingent on certain target behaviors. Friends and extended family members should be encouraged to support the client’s commitment to the behavioral contract.


Description: Reinforcement will be provided, not related to the client’s behavior. Hereby the client is receiving attention regularly

Implementation: The client will be reinforced by the parent. This can be done on a fixed or variable interval. The client may become satiated with the reinforcement, hereby decreasing the possibility to use a tantrum or other challenging behaviors to request attention.

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